You will make a lotion that beats the pants off of store-bought lotions. Students RAVE about how much they LOVE the lotion that they made. You too will learn to make a far superior lotion that your family will love. They are so smooth and silky. You will wonder why you didn't learn this earlier. If you know how to make lotions, then you know how to make creams and body butter too.
Lotions are such a simple thing.....Or ARE they?
- How are lotions made?
- What ingredients do we use in lotions? My lotion has a lot of ingredients that I don't know! Are they bad for me?
- My good lotions are getting expensive to buy!
- Wouldn't you love to use some exotic oils?
- What is the difference between a lotion and a cream and body butter?
- How do I prevent my lotion from spoiling?
- But I don't want to use a preservative, what will I do?
It comes with a comprehensive information packed manual! This manual teaches above and beyond what you learn in class. Definitely worth the price of admission
Customize your lotion with essential oils or fragrances, color it and package it in a nice pump bottle or jar.
Be sure to get a lotion kit after class to make lotions easily at home, with various jars included.
Please bring crafting clothes, indoor shoes, a drink/snack if you wish. In a clean facility with 2 AWOL cats and "Pi", our hypoallergenic, maltipoo mascot.